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Q&A with Guinness Atkinson on MF-ETF Conversion

May 21, 2021

Jim Atkinson

CEO, Guinness Atkinson

This week we sit down with Jim Atkinson at Guinness Atkinson/Smart ETFs to discuss the industry’s first mutual fund to ETF conversion and gain his perspectives on the active ETF market.

In March, Guinness Atkinson became the first asset manager in the US to convert an active mutual fund into an ETF with the launch of two NYSE-listed ETFs: ADIV & DVIS. Having previously launched three active ETFs under the SmartETFs brand in late 2019 and 2020, what led to the decision to pursue an ETF lineup expansion via conversion instead of launching clone strategies to your legacy mutual funds in the ETF wrapper?

It is clear that investors prefer ETFs and for good reason. That is what is behind our move into the ETF space. There was a lot of thought given to our decision to convert, but mostly it was the understanding that investors, industry wide, are transitioning from traditional open end funds to ETFs. By converting, we’re able to maintain our long-term track records that these funds enjoy. The launch of a clone is technically a new launch and starts with zero track record.

Based on your experience launching ETFs through both the traditional path and conversion, what are the key considerations for asset managers that are exploring mutual fund to ETF conversions?

Every asset manager is going to face their own challenges in converting. Multiple share classes and multiple distribution channels complicate the process. None of these complications are prohibitive, but the more complex the business the more details that will require attention. What we learned throughout the process is that while there is no single difficult issue, converting touches every aspect of the business and there are a lot, and I mean an awful lot, of details that need attention. For fund companies not yet in the ETF space, my advice is to make sure you’re on top of the capital markets side of operating an ETF. By this I mean the exchange and listing, the lead market makers and the Authorized Participants. All of these need to be in place before you can convert and some of these arrangements can take months to put in place. The NYSE is very helpful in sorting through these issues.

You have previously described the conversion process as the “biggest project of your career” and have been open about describing some of the obstacles. What were the main obstacles and has your team’s work created a “playbook” for future asset managers?

It isn’t so much any large obstacles as the scope of the project. I’ve mentioned that a conversion touches every aspect of the business. Some examples: Portfolio management. PMs need to understand how ETFs work and how the basket is created and managed. Some foreign markets have odd lot requirements that may need to be thought through.

Your shareholder communications effort needs to be thought through. Much of this is driven by the disclosure rules and legal requirements but when considering a conversion plan this is an area that requires some thought. Thought needs to be given not just to the conversion process but to the post-conversion process because there is a requirement that ETFs provide daily data on the web.

Direct shareholders present a challenge. Ideally they move off the TA platform prior to conversion, but there’s basically zero chance of full compliance. The conversion plan will need to address how to communicate to these investors and how to handle the direct shareholders that are in place on conversion day. We utilized American Stock Transfer for these shareholders and that has worked well. Ideally this is a short-term solution but I can see for funds with a lot of direct investors this solution may be semi-permanent.

One challenge associated with direct shareholders are the IRA accounts. These have their own notice requirements if you’re changing custodians.

Now that we are nearly two months removed from the conversions, what observations do you have? Particularly on the status of direct shareholder conversion and client/prospect feedback. Also, should we expect to see more conversions on the horizon from your team?

You will see more conversions of Guinness Atkinson Funds to SmartETFs. Client feedback has been universally positive. By and large our direct shareholders are willing to process the paperwork to transfer their shares to a brokerage account but we have had trouble reaching some of these shareholders and this process will take some time to complete. Overall I’m pleased with how the conversion went for our direct shareholders but that doesn’t mean it was perfect.

What guidance would you provide sponsors as they consider expanding their product offering to include actively managed ETFs, be it through a traditional launch or a conversion?

The ETF ecosystem is completely different from the ecosystem required for traditional mutual funds. Traditional fund managers looking to get into the ETF space should begin the process of understanding how ETFs work in detail and begin getting relationships in place with market makers and Authorized Participants. The NYSE is extremely helpful in this regard. This process can take time and certain elements are hard to rush. Having the right Lead Market Maker and APs in place can play a critical role in the success of an ETF. We relied heavily on the NYSE’s expertise and assistance and they helped us put together a great team.

Active ETF Stat Pack

# of Issuers 110
# of New Issuers 2021 17
Products Assets
# of ETFs 556 AUM ($B) $211.35
# of New Launches 2021 88 3 Yr AUM CAGR 159%
Avg. ER 0.55% 5 Yr AUM CAGR 55%
Cash Flow Trading
YTD Cash Flow ($B) $47.10 YTD ADV (Shares) 66,397,564
3 Yr Cash Flow $151.30 YTD ADV ($) $4.23B
5 Yr Cash Flow $180.50 YTD Avg. Spread (bps)* 29.15

Source: Factset & NYSE Internal Database and Consolidated Tape Statistics as of 5/14/2021
*Simple average

Active, Semi-Transparent Update





YTD Cash Flow

Avg. Spread (bps)

ADV (shares)



Expense Ratio

EQOP 09/17/2020 Natixis U.S. Equity Opportunities ETF $13,847,820 $ - 18.28 74 NYSE AMS Citadel 0.90%
VNSE 09/17/2020 Natixis Vaughan Nelson Select ETF $7,231,081 $288,685 19.08 1,107 NYSE AMS Citadel 0.90%
VNMC 09/17/2020 Natixis Vaughan Nelson Mid Cap ETF $10,559,360 $1,224,256 17.51 2,212 NYSE AMS Citadel 0.85%
ESGA 07/15/2020 American Century Sustainable Equity ETF $146,568,828 $21,877,359 14.25 10,790 NYSE AMS Citadel 0.39%
MID 07/15/2020 American Century Mid Cap Growth Impact ETF $14,270,094 $6,375,824 14.5 2,409 NYSE AMS Citadel 0.45%
FDG 04/02/2020 American Century Focused Dynamic Growth ETF $221,285,605 ($12,923,079) 11.19 26,364 ActiveShares Citadel 0.45%
FLV 04/02/2020 American Century Focused Large Cap Value ETF $239,474,590 $49,221,452 13.49 9,781 ActiveShares Citadel 0.42%
CFCV 05/28/2020 ClearBridge Focus Value ETF $3,648,756 $732 23.75 138 ActiveShares GTS 0.50%
FBCG 06/04/2020 Fidelity Blue Chip Growth ETF $330,140,095 $111,244,765 13.98 196,817 Fidelity Proxy GTS 0.59%
FBCV 06/04/2020 Fidelity Blue Chip Value ETF $83,085,570 $30,646,003 12.93 52,846 Fidelity Proxy GTS 0.59%
FMIL 06/04/2020 Fidelity New Millennium ETF $54,967,000 $26,708,350 14.46 34,990 Fidelity Proxy GTS 0.59%
FGRO 02/04/2021 Fidelity Growth Opportunities ETF $26,999,393 $24,684,758 5.18 47,110 Fidelity Proxy Citadel 0.59%
FMAG 02/04/2021 Fidelity Magellan ETF $25,845,600 $22,408,523 13.97 41,942 Fidelity Proxy RBC 0.59%
FPRO 02/04/2021 Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF $8,497,125 $5,659,155 4.74 13,553 Fidelity Proxy Citadel 0.59%
FSMO 02/04/2021 Fidelity Small/Mid-Cap Opportunities ETF $21,374,808 $17,919,715 13.49 28,753 Fidelity Proxy RBC 0.59%
TCHP 08/05/2020 T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth ETF $125,820,952 $53,020,429 8.54 47,302 T Rowe Proxy Virtu 0.57%
TDVG 08/05/2020 T. Rowe Price Dividend Growth ETF $59,469,589 $17,317,444 6.36 14,434 T Rowe Proxy RBC 0.50%
TEQI 08/05/2020 T. Rowe Price Equity Income ETF $41,725,404 $13,375,895 9.45 9,657 T Rowe Proxy Virtu 0.54%
TGRW 08/05/2020 T. Rowe Price Growth Stock ETF $37,782,509 $8,842,871 7.59 8,165 T Rowe Proxy RBC 0.52%
IVDG 12/22/2020 Invesco Focused Discovery Growth ETF $1,397,563 $120,580 16.35 1,749 Invesco Model Citadel 0.59%
IVSG 12/22/2020 Invesco Select Growth ETF $1,333,913 $ - 15.72 1,144 Invesco Model Citadel 0.48%
IVLC 12/22/2020 Invesco US Large Cap Core ESG ETF $1,618,693 $267,740 15.49 1,043 Fidelity Proxy Citadel 0.48%
IVRA 12/22/2020 Invesco Real Assets ESG ETF $1,384,414 $ - 32.25 2,197 Fidelity Proxy Citadel 0.59%
LOPP 02/01/2021 Gabelli Love Our Planet & People ETF $9,143,310 $5,410,085 16.16 4,943 ActiveShares GTS 0.90%
GGRW 02/16/2021 Gabelli Growth Innovators ETF $3,494,790 $1,046,960 18.99 1,218 ActiveShares GTS 0.90%
FRTY 03/01/2021 Alger Mid Cap 40 ETF $21,749,375 $15,934,750 35.05 31,996 ActiveShares Virtu 0.60%
REIT 02/26/2021 ALPS Active REIT ETF $13,580,054 $9,788,100 16.29 13,259 Blue Tractor GTS 0.68%
STNC 03/16/2021 Stance Equity ESG Large Cap Core ETF $33,167,750 $5,006,379 33.86 8,413 Blue Tractor GTS 0.85%











Source: Factset & NYSE Internal Database and Consolidated Tape Statistics as of 5/14/2021
*Simple average

May Active ETF Launces

Ticker Name Issuer Launch Date Asset Class AUM
MAYZ TrueShares Structured Outcome (May) ETF TrueMark Investments 05/03/2021 Equity $7,406,850.00
ATFV Alger 35 ETF Alger Group Holdings LLC 05/04/2021 Equity $4,348,625.00
MBOX Freedom Day Dividend ETF Alpha Architect 05/05/2021 Equity $254,709.00
AGOX Adaptive Growth Opportunities ETF Cavalier16 05/10/2021 asset Allocation $147,933,528.36
SXQG 6 Meridian Quality Growth ETF Exchange Traded Concepts 05/11/2021 Equity $2,429,190.00
PFIX Simplify Interest Rate Hedge ETF Simplify Asset Management Inc. 05/11/2021 Alternatives $7,174,697.83
FMNY First Trust New York Municipal High Income ETF First Trust 05/13/2021 Fixed Income $15,008,440.03
SVOL Simplify Volatility Premium ETF Simplify Asset Management Inc. 05/13/2021 Alternatives $1,931,250.00


8 New Active ETFs





Source: Factset as of 5/14/2021

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