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(Broadcast Order Liquidity Delivery Mechanism)

Broadcast marketable orders on NYSE’s Top and Deep market data feeds for additional execution opportunities on the NYSE American Options Exchange prior to routing, cancelling, or posting on the American Options Consolidated Book.

How it works

  • When an eligible BOLD-designated order is received, the Exchange will broadcast the order details via a Request For Quote (“RFQ”) over the NYSE American Options’ Proprietary market data feeds.
  • The RFQ will notify participants of the series, price, side and size of the BOLD-designated order.
  • The BOLD Timer will initiate, giving Exchange Participants a brief period of time to submit orders and/or quotes to interact with the BOLD-designated order.
  • If the BOLD Timer expires without response or the BOLD-designated order is not satisfied to its full size, the BOLD-designated order or any remaining interest will be routed, cancelled or posted to the American Options Consolidated Book in accordance with the order specifications.

Key benefits and features

  • Increased Opportunity - BOLD allows participants the opportunity to source additional liquidity for their marketable orders NYSE American Options market for their marketable orders.
  • Additional Control - BOLD provides Participants additional control of their execution experience including where orders execute and can help avoid routing fees on applicable orders.
  • Maximum Flexibility - BOLD is optional functionality that can be applied on an order-by-order basis or as a session default giving participants maximum flexibility for use.

Additional DetaiLS

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