Increased retail activity in the equities market has affected which stocks are trading the most, and when and where those stocks trade. We’ve previously highlighted retail’s impact on pre- and post-market volume and the opening auction, and now focus on the period immediately after the opening auction. Market participants often avoid this time of day due to higher volatility, an approach worth re-evaluating given current trends.
The traditional “smile” shape used to describe equity market volume patterns shifted to the right over the last several years, as the closing auction and the minutes leading to the close became more important. As market volume composition has changed, we’ve seen some reversion to the smile shape, with the first half hour accounting for 11.0% to 12.6% of total volume.
Total Equity Market Volume Chart
The volume curve change has coincided with a large increase in retail activity, so it is important to determine how accessible this increased early volume is to all market participants.
9:30 - 10:00am NYSE and TRF Intra-Day Share in NYSE-Listed (<=10K Market Shares)
9:30 - 10:00am ARCA and TRF Intra-Day Share in ARCA-Listed (<=10K Market Shares)
9:30 - 10:00am NYSE and TRF Intra-Day Share in NYSE-Listed (All Market Shares)
9:30 - 10:00am Arca and TRF Intra-Day Share in Arca-Listed (All Market Shares)
The higher volatility early in the day has traditionally made many market participants reluctant to participate for the first 15 to 30 minutes (or more), but with higher volumes at this time such participants will now be missing a greater share of market liquidity. One approach to balance liquidity needs with volatility concerns is to participate at very opportunistic prices, taking advantage of the greater price movement and smaller quote size.
To help illustrate the passive fill experience early in the day, we measured the median time to fill a displayed limit order in different time windows throughout the day, both at or near the NBBO and away from the NBBO.
Time to Fill Throughout a Day Outside of NBBO
Outside of NBBO Median Limit Price Distance from NBB/NBO
Time to Fill Throughout a Day Inside of NBBO